1964-1982 Business Expansion - Development of New Trade Routes

Days of Business Expansion

Days of Business Expansion


Toko Line begins transporting steel products from public ports in Japan to North America.

Metoku Maru

"Metoku Maru" (10,542 deadweight tons), the pioneer in transporting steel products


Toko Line commences regularly scheduled transport of steel products to North America with the help of five major Steel Mills.

The Port of Oakland's Ninth Avenue Terminal

The Port of Oakland's Ninth Avenue Terminal, one of the largest ports for import of steel products to North America
(photo: courtesy of the Port of Oakland)


Toko Line inaugurates transport of steel products to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia.


Toko Line launches transport of grain from North America to Japan.

Days of Service Enhancement and Development of New Trade Routes

Establishment local representative offices

26 Broadway Building

26 Broadway Building, where is Toko Line's New York representative office in the end of 70's


Toko Line begins transporting steel products directly from Steel Mills' ports in Japan to North America and Southeast Asia.

Cargo loading at a quay adjacent to a Steel Mill

Cargo loading at a quay adjacent to a Steel Mill


Toko Line launches a service to transport steel products to the Middle East.


Toko Line commences transporting steel products to the Bay of Bengal and India.

  • 1935-1963 Foundation - Inauguration of Ocean Shipping Business
  • 1983- Expansion of Conventional Liner Service Network